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Homemade Geode Sun-Catchers

One of the unexpected, great things about having kids is that they 100% have forced me to be less of a perfectionist. I’ve never said “good enough” as often as I have since trying to complete projects with two little bundles of attention-seeking joy underfoot. I’ve learned to not fix their art projects or crafts or sections of my own projects that they help with. Sometimes a goof or quirkily finished section of molding paint is a good thing – it stays as a reminder of a good time when “we helped mommy there” and shows that this is their home too.

I’ve always been crafty, and I love that I’m seeing that interest in my girls more and more. This also means that I have little people to make crafts for rather than just having a bunch of ideas but no one to give things to (or any place to put them).

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Faux Stained Glass for Windows or Cabinet Doors

My Catholic husband always rolls his eyes at me when we visit a church and I “ooh” and “ahh” over the stained glass windows. I, the Protestant, did not grow up with regular exposure to these beautiful works of art and therefore usually growl at him. Anyway…they’re so pretty!

I’ve seen many DIY stained glass projects on Pinterest that are also gorgeous. Since DIY is kind of my thing, you’d think I’d give it a go, right? The only problem is that I’m accident-prone and I know myself well enough to avoid working with glass. My mother was SUPER into the idea of making stained glass at one point, and for a birthday gift we got her all the tools and supplies to make her own. Since she she got over that potential hobby about a week later and never used the stuff, I even have supplies available should I ever decide to take the plunge. But for now, I’m:

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